Thursday, March 29, 2007

Your baggage is waiting...

If the soul exists (and I believe it does), it's logical to extend that idea to our skin is what is keeping it in. When the soul becomes free of the body, I wonder if it takes memories with it -- i.e. does memory transcend corporeal limits?

I hope it does -- actually I'm fairly sure it does, I just don't understand how. I also feel that the soul is less encumbered with the things/ideas/issues that weighted it down while it was part of the mortal body.

In one way, I think it would be completely spectacular for us to be able to let go of all of the things which have happened to us which we have deemed "awful" while we are here. Just be baggage-free. Then I grow concerned that we would never grow strong if we did that. Maybe the harshness is all about growing the soul stronger.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Thinking about thinking…

As much as I love to talk and write, I must confess, I think that language can actually be a pretty imprecise way to communicate.

For example, if I tell you about “a computer on a desk”, what do you see in your mind? Is it a laptop? A huge desktop CPU? Strange and unearthly putty color, or a subdued and inoffensive dark grey? Flat screen monitor, or old-school monitor the size of my first apartment?

You could argue that people can use descriptive adjectives be more precise, but quite frankly, who speaks like that? Who even writes like that most of the time? If people don’t ask you to clarify your idea, two people could think they are talking about the same thing, but the pictures in their minds are probably quite different.

This is only using the example of something as simplistic as a computer on a desk. Complex ideas and communications are even freakier to think about :-P

Friday, March 23, 2007

"Aw, peas." Thomkins,

Today I was being all happy as I went about my business of opening a bag of peas.

The bag did that trajectory explosive thing that is always a risk factor when you pull on thin plastic with a seam. I inadvertently yet impressively and forcefully spewed the peas across the kitchen.

Now I'm mad amazing strong and all (um, no), but I wasn't expecting this. My dog came in and wagged his tail and I went to get the broom. A cute trait of mine is that I'm really neat...yeah, no eye-rolling over there. So I swept all the petite (yes, the bag says that) peas in their .05 cm glory.

But I can't help wondering how many are left unswept. Those dodgy suckers can roll under refrigerators and ovens and all. Why couldn't this happen with broccoli florets? They aren't crafty enough to roll for diddly.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Shiny, happy, people...

I have noticed that whenever I have one group of my friends meet another group of my friends, they like each other. A lot. That's cool.

I'm thinking that I'm drawn to some common qualities in people. The people may have varied interests and lifestyles, but I am noticing a trend here.

My friends all tend to have these qualities:

Intelligence - My friends and I love to challenge each other and bring new ideas and ways to look at things to the table. We talk A LOT. Agree a lot...not so much... but everyone I hang out with talks a REAL lot. Of course, they may be trying to get a word in edgewise to each other and me :-)

Sense of humor - Dynamic, maybe even dry, the sense of humor simply MUST appreciate absurdity! Life has absolutely too many bizarre juxtapositions to ignore. I know my friends don't take themselves TOO seriously...we all have the ability to laugh at ourselves. Actually, we are simply too goofy of a group not to. :-D

Good hearts - It may take me some time to trust, but I do trust anyone I call my friend. We may bust on each other but we always have each others' backs.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Can't see it, but know it's there...

I've had days where gravity hated me and technology was not my friend.

You know, it's like, I don't normally walk into walls while dropping my iPod. If I decide to go near a computer on these rather special days, it's all...sluggish...s-l-u-g-g-i-s-h...and then...BLUE SCREEN OF DOOM!!! That's offensive. I shouldn't try to use a printer on days like this, either. A paper jam is a bit of a benign way to describe it. It's more like the printer was doing oragami without actually having hands. And I dare not speak of the copier.

It's necessary to just sit somewhere placidly and stay off the cellphone. Simply wait for the electromagnetic force of unmitigated evil to lose interest and move on to another victim...

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Wrestling with a hurricane...

I have noticed that people usually become friends with people who have elements of their personalities which are alike. Think about it...are most of your friends in some way like you? Mine are. I think it would be interesting to have some friends who were vastly different than myself...but is that even possible? Different ethics, politics, views of world issues...would we make each other go insane and then avoid eye contact at all costs if we were to meet again?

There is a philosophical idea that our friends mirror ourselves in certain aspects. I agree with it. I wish people had the ability to agree to disagree on "the big issues", but I think many people find that tolerance is one thing, but friendship is quite another.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Opaque universe...

Have you ever noticed that things never actually go down the way you think they will for for the things you actually worry about? When it hits the fan, it is nearly always some random event that you could not have predicted with the combined powers of a divining rod, crystal ball, and a team of psychics.

It's kind of like scientists worrying about the world ending by a massive solar flare or cities being destroyed by people flying planes into buildings.

It's like t.s. eliot said, " The world ends not with a bang, but a whimper."

Which leads me to wonder, " How will people react whenever the end is actually nigh?" I'm thinking that essentially, under extreme stress, there are two types of people. The people that have their act together spiritually, and those that don't. I think humanity will diverge into two extremes. The spiritually bereft will go hedonistic, and loot till they drop, and those that have some small clue about life, the universe, and everything will pull together their family and friends and love each other.