Thursday, November 29, 2007

This TV writer strike...

OMG it's got to end soon. If I don't get a The Daily Show, The Colbert Report or Real Time with Bill Maher fix soon, I am going to have a grand mal knicker twist, subsequently complicated by random lashings-out.

I barely like TV, but damn, I miss shows that make me think, burning with satire that can be so ironic as to be disconcerting.

The complication of THE MAN needing to figure out what it owes TV writers for Internet download profits surely can't be that complex as to warrant the strike lingering for so long...can it? I mean, I'm not mathy and all...but still.

I fear more things lame and reality-driven, like, say, Are You Smarter Than Cheese? are going to be aired if this strike doesn't resolve soon.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Beowulf movie is goood...

I freakin' loved
Beowulf . Yeah, the story has been manipulated, but I don't know why people are hating on that. Robert Zemeckis made no secret of the screenwriters taking liberties with the original poem. Also, I once had a professor who told my class never to compare movies to the books upon which they are based. It will just frustrate the frick out of you since literature and cinema are two completely different mediums. Therefore, perceive the movie as simply based upon the book, and not necessarily an accurate telling of it.

That said, I could enjoy the movie in all its blasphemous-to-the-actual-story gloriousness. The action and suspense are fantastico and the cinematography blended with CGI keeps the viewer suspended in the freakish fantasy.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

I heart the Irish!

So as an homage, I will share a method I learned about how to make your Irish name:

FIRST IRISH NAME = Last name (1st syllable) + "ers"

LAST IRISH NAME = "Mc" + First name + "Pants"

So with all the love for the Irish in the world... I am debuting my Irish self ...

I AM...Branners McJennyPants :-D

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Thanksgiving gift from Joel Stein!

LA Times Op-Ed writer and funny liberal dude Joel Stein sent a "Li
berals are Wusses" Mad Libs request to uber-conservative Ann Coulter. She emailed back the requested parts of speech, and now Stein has instant Coulter smack for the holidays. As outlandish and bizarre as her opinions usually sound (which Stein refers to as "Coultering" -- AWESOME!) -- at least she has a sense of humor about herself. See it here : Stein's Mad Lib to Coulter Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Not to be hatin' ...

I'm not really sure which one I'd actually be hatin' on by saying this, but...Posh Spice has been looking an awful lot like the "Leave Britney Alone" guy lately. See --
Victoria BeckhamChris Crocker: Reality TV Show Star

And may I bid you...GOOD DAY, SIR! :-P

Monday, November 12, 2007

I only have time to read before bed, and...

I am reading two most excellent books! May I recommend...

I Am America (And So Can You) by Stephen Colbert. No one can deadpan satire like Colbert. No one. It's so very campy in its right-wing earnestness -- much like his show, but with no pesky censorship. A wild ride on the pseudo-conservative side...

Nature Girl by Carl Hiaasen
My first book by Hiaasen. He's like Chris Moore, but with the over-zealous, adventuresome backbone of Tim Sandlin. Simply blend the quirk of the two, shake, strain, add an olive, and enjoy... exquisitely funny and bizarre!

Friday, November 09, 2007

Make humanitarianism viral :-D

Humanitarianism is contagious...and it makes you feel healthy and happy! Have a simply smashing weekend, and see if you can do something snazzy -- no matter how small -- for someone!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Wired Mag's Saddest Cubes Link...

The world's most depressing workplaces...and comments on sidebar are GREAT!

Click Here For Saddest Cubes :-(

Sunday, November 04, 2007

The Dandy Warhols
10/30/07Happy Add'l Hour Weekend (a.k.a. Daylight Savings)...
Besides gleefully running amok, what can one do with the extra hour?

The surprisingly awesome, yet decidedly nerdy, answer is to check out this interactive site on Nat'l Geographic. It is a 3-d tour-able brain which shows you how and where thought processes and memories are created and stored. You freaky brainiac, ya know ya wanna see...