Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Everyone (I'd imagine, by now) is leery of those voting machines...

My voting sticker actually said "My Vote Counted!"

Alas, I got a little teary-eyed, as I stuck that voting sticker to my heart and cried out, "Cool beans, voting sticker, your reassurance has finally gotten me over the pesky, nagging, concern of disillusionment and voter sticker -- you complete me!" Or something like that. I don't quite remember -- I was so in the moment...

So, YAY, The Onion stepped up, and spat out some scathing satire ...

Diebold Accidentally Leaks Results Of 2008 Election Early

Monday, February 25, 2008

You know you’re the archetype of… er…cool when…

You play Random Article Wikipedia Smackdown!

Here’s the shizz:

The host sits in front of a computer and clicks on Wikipedia’s “Random Article” link in its sidebar.

They state only the title of the article that comes up.

The other players try to state something factual that appears in the article.

The person with the closest factual reference (judged by host) scores a point, and you rotate who gets to go first. You can even rotate out the computer’s host.

Omiholysnap you guys -- they weren’t kidding when they labeled that button “random" :-D

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Owning it...

I was in the middle of doing fifteen things at work today, and my mind was contemplating about five hundred more as I was rushing around kind of mumbling to myself.

A co-worker cruised by, and was all, "Hey, what's going on?"

So I went, "Oh, just hanging around being weird."

We laughed, but I was thinking, "I think I kind of do hang around being weird rather often."

Here is Merriam Webster's definition of "weird".
1 : of, relating to, or caused by witchcraft or the supernatural : magical
2 : of strange or extraordinary character : odd, fantastic

Now -- the behavioral analysis part!

Witchcraft -- Wicca is cool, but not really my passion -- moving on --

Supernatural -- since science cannot completely explain all things natural, including me or you, I think humans can be termed supernatural in an abstract context.

Magical -- I just like that one.

Strange -- well, who isn't? Some of us more than others; but plain and boring never won anybody a Nobel prize or anything.

Extraordinary -- yes, please.

Odd, fantastic -- I'm putting these in "Strange's" file. Normalcy has its appropriate moments -- but being fantastic -- those are the moments everyone remembers.

So let that cosmic stream flow :-D

(While you're at it, check out the new Switches vid I posted!)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

I know I am treading on sacred ground here...people love The Oprah.

But sometimes talk shows really do sensationalize some random crap, ya know?

I couldn't resist gleefully sharing this Photoshopped Oprah promo.

And my two cents is that the toads are with us -- they do scarf down mosquitoes and all...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

MyFace! I trademark this in 3…2…1… NOW.

What if two colossal, omnipotent, social networking website universes collided?

It’s only a theory, but if MySpace and Facebook ever became one massive megalomanic entity – LET US BAPTIZE THEE... MyFace.

It could be obscenely egocentric…b/c personal web pages aren't now…right? :-P You could have MyFace gifting, MyFace player (featuring karaoke, naturally), Poke MyFace, Super Poke MyFace, Slap and Tickle MyFace , Twitter MyFace (for-up-to-the-minute updates on MyFace) ...I think I could go on with this forever.

I have a MySpace I use a lot because the flexible layout allows for creative page designing; and a Facebook page that I use... not so much. The Facebook layout infuriates me with its rigidity. (I don’t do well with rigid structure. *seethe*) Most people I know have pages on both sites…and prefer one over the other. This would make quite an interesting psychological study. Indeed...something for the MyPsychoFace Therapy Forum...

Monday, February 11, 2008

Oh, Scott Adams...WTH...funny theory ... Death by Frozen Poop

Saturday, February 09, 2008

I've been having a crazyass-busy work week--tension so thick, you can cut it with a spork ;-)

So yesterday, when my friend goes, "I feel like I am in downtown crazy, and the busses have stopped running." -- I totally knew what she was talking about.

I am coming down from all the crazy today, but still feeling rather cheeky; so I am going to mess with some old-school adages.

I dedicate these words of weird to all who had a crazyass week --

"Wow...look who woke up on the wrong side of crazy this morning."

"People in glass houses shouldn't throw crazy."

"If a crazy falls in the forest, and no one is around, does it still make a sound?" :-O

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The disco-iest desk that ever disco-ed... OR... I think I have inadvertently stumbled upon an allegory for life...

Okay -- in my room at work we recently had a desk die a tragic slo-mo collapse -- no one was hurt (except the desk). Another desk is so warped that it wobbles big time. I've put in requests for replacement desks to no avail. There are no spare desks around the building, either. So I am already short a desk, and no one wants to sit in the wobbly desk because it's so freakin' annoying.

THEN I named the wobbly desk the "Disco Desk" and anyone who sits in can raise their hands in the air, make techno sounds, and wobble around. Now EVERYONE wants to sit in the Disco Desk, yet it hasn't become too much of a distraction b/c after a good 15 seconds of disco-ing, most of the perpetrators are played out.

I tried it myself and it was quite spectacular.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Faux bacon gear...where are we going with this and why are we in a handbasket? :-P

Bacon wallets!!!

Bacon band-aids!!!