Monday, May 14, 2007

You can't "un-do" knowledge...

Most of the time...that's a good thing --howevvvver --

This past weekend I was talking with an acquaintance and this person says, "Oh, did you hear about so-and-so and blahdee-blah-blah-blah..." There was not a pleasant type of sharing happening.

I'm like, "ARRRGH, NO! And I don't want to!"

I don't like gossip. I define gossip as talking about someone, without them there, in regard to something they would find embarrassing. It feels invasive to hear. Plus the person in the matter involved has no input. Smells cruel to me.

The acquaintance felt the sharing hurt no one because the person wasn't there to be embarrassed.

So I go, "But they are being embarrassed by proxy!"

Blank stare back at me.



Chiv said...

Once I had gossip about me get back to me and it was a boat load of exxageration. It sucked, was weird and kind of amusing all in one blast*

*shrapnel of disillusionment possible

HOLMES said...

Plus gossip is like the lowest form of conversation, has no point, no opportunity for new ideas or coolness to present itself.

Spot on, Branson. Spot on.
