Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The physiology of an avalanche...

I was explaining something weird about me to a friend today (I know...what are
the chances...) She was complaining that I speak way too quickly a.k.a. "*Expletive*, you talk fast!"

So I explained that the thoughts kind of build up avalanche style in my mind, and when I vocalize and let them rip, they kind of build up faster in my head than I can say them, so everything speeds up as I get deeper into a conversation. It's pretty much that the ideas build momentum and speed as they go.

Typing is a nightmare, because I always have to go back and correct my typos and run-on sentences. At least I should always go back..

In actuality, it's a compliment when I speak quickly because it means I am passionate about sharing the humongo amount of ideas someone is inspiring me to come up with, and I am digging that we are on the same vibe or having a killer debate.

So that's what you get for getting all interesting on me :-P


Chiv said...

Most times you're a little hyper. I have seen you crash and I like hyper better really. You're a little too quiet when you're tired. Its weird.

journeyinfinite said...

It IS weird... :-P