Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year !

-- I hope we (humanity) continue to make progress fixing our environment. There is so much great tech (as well as simplification processes) out there -- if people will be open-minded enough to try new (or old) things!

-- Please let the U.S. elect an intelligent, articulate leader. We have been embarrassed enough. And the pure evil is irksome, too.

Locally -- Thank you to everyone in my life who digs me -- not despite my quirkiness, but because of my quirkiness! You make me greet each day with joy! It is so, so vitally important how people treat one another. It affects one's perceptions and one's world...
*+*+"Why march to your own drummer when you can dance to your own band?" --Me *+*+

Friday, December 28, 2007

Lucid dreaming...
(<- Here I am competing in
The Ultra X-treme Insomniacs
Cage Match Title Series)
Anyone else ever dream lucidly (you're dreaming and you know it's a dream -- and you try to control what happens)? I've been having a ton of lucid dreams lately where during my dream I will either:

(a)Dislike how things are going and tell myself to wake up -- then wake up
(b)Like how things are going and try to bring new people/things/places into it
(c)Think about why I'm dreaming this particular dream during the dream...dream analysis while dreaming...OMG

So it's kinda cool, kinda weird. Okay, really weird. I hate that I keep making myself wake up when I'm not happy or bored in my dream. Maybe I need to finish vakay so I am too tired to lucidly dream. Ummm...nah ;-)

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

New Year's Resolutions Time...

Here are some goodies from The Onion!!!

The Onion

New Year's Resolutions

Every year, Americans celebrate the New Year by resolving to change some aspect of their lives. What is your New Year's resolution?

As for my resolutions...hmmm...speak French better, definitely. I have so many bi-lingual friends, my "traveler's French" is starting to make me feel like a completely lazy shiz. Oh yeah...remember to turn on my IM more as well as return my text messages in a more timely matter...those pretty much fall between "I hate typing" and lazy shiz, again.

However, I do love you all, and there are many things of which I am not a lazy shiz...check out the freakish genius of this band I love -- The Dilettantes -- in my updated vid :-D

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Liqui-gate...or...tragic Christmas refreshers...

The Christmas Pack -- Jones Soda

Soda Flaves: Sugar Plum -- Hmm, okay, might be plummy and sweet. Egg Nog -- Uh, in a soda? Maybe tastes like a cream soda? Christmas Tree -- Oh, getting weird, as in swallowing-a-yule-log weird. Ham -- Hey, Jones Soda people --Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200. Friends don't let friends drink meat.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


No more spoof comedies! These movies consist of mere references and contain no plot elements whatsoever. Arrrgh -- simplicity at its most banal!

I advise not supporting this tiresome tripe. However, if you choose to subject yourself to this -- afterwards I recommend scrubbing your skin all over with a chlorine-based abrasive cleanser. Then rinse your eyes thoroughly with warm saline solution, and play your favorite music cranked to "11" until you can no longer recall that traumatic experience. In the meantime, stay away from sharp objects and firearms. With a little luck, you will get past this, and one day be able to live a normal life again.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Piper Perabo -- have your people call my people so we can hook up for a fierce match of doppelganger.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I updated my vid with with a holiday message for all in our universe :-D

Monday, December 10, 2007

Tasty Grooves!

Green Day's side project, Foxboro Hot Tubs, has a homepage that lets you download their six-song EP for
free! And it's magnifico! Different than Green Day in that its jams are 60's-inspired-psychedelic-pop-rock. Lots of fun!!! See if you find it tasty, too -- Foxboro Hot Tubs Homepage and MP3s

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Check out the snap my sister sent me of my 8-month-old nephew wearing some Chuck Taylor kicks that I got for him!

He's a little rock star, man...

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Chocolate-covered Tootsie Rolls

File this under (a) redundant (b) frightening (c)offensively unnecessary (d) gahhh

I can't help but to think of the 2nd century Roman poet, Juvenal, who spoke of bread and circuses as symbols of the decadent and unnecessary desires of the masses taking the place of substantial things. I am bringing Tootsie Rolls to this lofty contention because:

* I thought Tootsie Rolls were already supposed to be chocolate-ish. Sort of.
* Food has become yet more vulnerable to marketing whims and fancies. I am now convinced that bacon-wrapped bacon will one day exist.
* Someone thought there would be for a market for this. But why? Even there?