Saturday, December 22, 2007

Liqui-gate...or...tragic Christmas refreshers...

The Christmas Pack -- Jones Soda

Soda Flaves: Sugar Plum -- Hmm, okay, might be plummy and sweet. Egg Nog -- Uh, in a soda? Maybe tastes like a cream soda? Christmas Tree -- Oh, getting weird, as in swallowing-a-yule-log weird. Ham -- Hey, Jones Soda people --Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200. Friends don't let friends drink meat.


Kelli Nørgaard said...

I will send you the photos later!!!
Tell Dave MERRY CHRISTMAS from the Viking couple!

Chiv said...

ham soda = bad
diet ham soda = worse
caffeine free diet ham soda = suicidal

Chiv said...

Psychotic thought of the day (brought to you by Jones soda): Veruca Salt blowing up into a blueberry, except imagine blowing out into a HAM.

journeyinfinite said...

Hahaha...sending you guys some ((hug))!

HOLMES said...

Two things:

Ham soda might taste somewhat like bacon; I'm interested.

I sent pictures to you, but I think I sent them to an old address-- you might check your various email accounts. The Toto Hydro will not be denied!!


journeyinfinite said...

Holmesie -- I got the pics -- the acct. you used is always fine :-)

I am sending my batch -- they are portraits of us at our most dignified and upstanding moments -- naturally.

Viva la TOTO HYDRO!!!