Taking soggy, squishy, and gray to the next level...
Cheese-freakin'-Burger In A Can, people -- it exists!
I'd imagine looking at it directly will make you stab yourself in the eye -- I highly recommend avoiding cutlery around this product.
Everything a Cheeseburger In A Can touches turns to stupid, undoubtedly. You are supposed to boil this atrocity in its can. Uhm, why would you not just fry or grill the burger? I am trying to figure out who desperately needs to boil canned meat. Campers? They tend to be fire builder types, tho -- and open flame is better for cooking meat than boiling it in a can -- amiright?
The bold and daring pioneers of culinary homicide at The AV Club taste tested this beast -- you can gross-out vicariously here.
That is not a cheeseburger. That is a cheesepuck. With a bun. In a can.
This is beyond disgusting. Forget the national anthem... America's theme song should be "We Put Shizz In Cans". We are packaging whores.
and people DARE to question WHY I am a vegetarian???
Blech. This is E Coli in a can. Its probably hazardous to everyone who prepares, packages, ships, stocks, purchases, and consumes it. This is what Ralph Nader should be defending us from.
Update: No sign of Cheesesteak in a bottle...yet :-P
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