Monday, April 21, 2008

Rock, Paper, Scissors? Bah. Try Earth, Bunnies, Cheney...

Earth Day is tomorrow -- Tuesday, April 22.
Always a good idea to recycle and live green as much as possible on this day and every day! However, if you do something extra nice for our planet this Tuesday, I will send you three fluffy, little bunnies for free.*

*bunnies not included.

:-D Don't forget to click below to get your dose of scathing satire from The Onion...


Chiv said...

Earth crushes bunny
Bunny devours Cheney
Cheney covers earth?

Chiv said...

ldv - oh please let that line be figuratively stated....

HOLMES said...

Earth creates bunny.
Bunny multiplies.
Cheney shoots bunnies.
Cheney covers earth.

journeyinfinite said... guys are so freakin' awesome!