Friday, April 04, 2008

So what are these creatures, "superious delegatus" a.k.a. superdelegates?

They are not chosen based on the party primaries and caucuses. Most are selected because of their status as party leaders and elected officials. Others are chosen during the primary season for enigmatic reasons not disclosed to the unwashed masses. All the superdelegates are free to support any candidate for the nomination. With no prompting from shadowy puppet masters. Really.

Don't even pretend that you don't want to know the anatomy of a superdelegate. (Thx LA Times.)
Click here for the larger version.


Chiv said...

Superdelegates are even shadier than the Electoral College.

Chiv said...

*throws diebold machine from the uppermost story of the tower of frustration*

journeyinfinite said...

Indeed, the whole concept of superdelegates is a curious, curious, process...

MoMo 2.0 said...

yeah, try explaining this nonsense to a man that lives in a country that has the actual POPULAR VOTE concept...the guy with the most votes really does win! Perhaps that is why Denmark has between and 80 and 90% voter turn out for each election!!
When will America learn???!!