Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Domino's Double Decker Pizza
(objects in picture are 50% more gastro intestinal than they appear)

I imagine the inspiration for this began with a phone call --

Domino's Employee: Hello, thanks for calling Domino's.
Random One: Hi, I'd like pizza.
D.E: Yeah, we get that sometimes. Would you like any toppings?
R.O: Uh, sure. You know, pizza toppings.
D.E.: *snicker* A pizza topped with pizza?
R.O.: Oh my sweet heavens, yes.

Hence, the blueprinting began. I think there are only two ways to perceive the double decker pizza -- gastronomic genius or bilious gastrosity. You decide...


Chiv said...

Little Journey, double decker pizza is no doubt genius. Universally genius. Infinitely genius.

P.S. Genius.

Chiv said...

Fear not the Double Decker Pizza for it is your friend and it's mightiness lies in making your abs disappear and powerbelches

HOLMES said...

This is definitely a belt-and-suspenders operation. I'd like more redundancy with my redundancy, please.

I also DON'T want to see Pizza: Unplugged. I don't want to know what lies beneath whatever's covering my pizza! Let me hold on to the illusion that pizza is a whole object, rather than the sum of its parts. What's next, we'll find out that each of the Pips have a name?

MoMo 2.0 said...

I think this kind of food is against the law in Denmark....
maybe that is why I will be the LARGEST WOMAN in the whole country! LOL...
gotta love that American meal plan.

journeyinfinite said...

Next up : Pizza Sandwich -- Two slices of pizza with pizza in the middle. Fry up that beast for a pizza panini.

Anonymous said...

I think it is a horrible invention. All that happens is that you get full twice as fast...and that simply reduces the amount of time you get to enjoy and savor the pizza. If eating were a chore, I could see the point of this, but as it is an enjoyable sensation, I see no need to fill my belly up twice as fast.