Saturday, June 21, 2008

New roller coaster - 97 degree drop...

Yes, 7 degrees steeper than pure vertical.

And now -- predict --

If I rode the "Fahrenheit" roller coaster, I'd

(a) barf until infinity freezes over
(b) weep as I watched g-forces punch a hole through what was once my body
(c) need to call mom for a change of clothes
(d) leave only a small dollop of sweat on the seat after I spontaneously combusted
(e) any or all combinations of the above
(f) other _______________________________

Cheat option! Watch the vid!


MoMo 2.0 said...

I can see you ziplining through the rainforest or hiking through the Roman ruins, but this?!?! IDK... this is questionable for even you, Branson!

Chiv said...

those g forces are badass. like, rip your skin off badass. i still think i'd try it once though.

Chiv said...

Skin is over rated?

journeyinfinite said...

I like my skin...I'm rather deeply attached to it... ;-p