Sunday, June 08, 2008

The New Yorker's Caption Contest's Winning Entry...

The New Yorker's cartoons are known for their pithy bon mots...and I really liked this one because of the simplicity of the caption overlying its complexity. To me, in a best case scenario, it is a metaphor of the nonchalance we sometimes have about fragility of our world. At its most disconcerting, it is an analogy exemplifying the danger of our ignorance.

"O.K. I'm at the window. To the right? Your right or my right?"

Patrick House Palo Alto, Calif.

Drawing by Harry Bliss, after Jack Kirby


Chiv said...

Mmnnyeess.... the monster you see, is the existential ennui of city dwellers holding on to the brick wall which is representative of the precipice of Dante's inferno....mnyes.

HOLMES said...

OK Jenny, we've got to enter the Bulwer-Lytton contest next spring. Put it on the list we haven't started!

Kelli Nørgaard said...

You need to start a gaming club this year that plays that New Yorker caption game that Nettie brought one night.. you know, the one where Dave used the word VIKING in ALL his answers!! LOL... that would be such a fun thing to do with a cool group of kids!

journeyinfinite said...

Chiv -- you are completely mad. There. I've said it :-P

Holmesie -- oh, the thought of what we could achieve...time to start that list!

Frau Norgaard -- That is a fantastic idea...I love that game, and it would be so fun to do as a club!