Thursday, June 12, 2008

Son of Irony 2.0

Emoticons are the virtual world's mode of expression regarding what one is feeling, yes? Well, now you can wear a mask on your melon to light up a' la emoticon -- giving your actual emotions a touch of, oh, je ne sais quoi. And if you are trying to hide a discomforting emotion or taste of failure, I suppose you could use the emoticon mask to conceal what you're actually feeling.

Is this bot-face type of scenario a touch unsettling or have you already Googled this for purchase?


Chiv said...

Life imitating art is one thing. Life imitating your IM smileys is just no life at all.

Chiv said...

Emoticons make great friends. Except angry face guy. He's a tool.

Chiv said...

Hey, nobody knows what angry face guy has been through. Maybe life has been unkind to him, maybe he has never basked in a rainbow or nuzzled a unicorn.......

journeyinfinite said...

Hmmm...I know I'd be fairly angry faced if I had never basked in a rainbow or nuzzled a unicorn.

@8-< <-- Omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent, Angry Faced Guy (in a wig and sunglasses) sees all we do.

MoMo 2.0 said...

hmmmm... I feel like I am looking at an ad for Jack in the box...