Sunday, June 15, 2008

When your pork says "Cheese" - or smileys part deux...

Okay, must admit -- I am quite fascinated by the concept of lunch meat with a smiley face. Maybe it would taste better, and it certainly would make things more fun when crafting a sandwich -- especially if you used mustard as a weapon. Oh, damn, regular lunch meat is starting to seem all mediocre now...

And for all my vegetarian friends -- would you fancy a soylami smiley loaf? ;-D

So, gentle reader, if you are willing to overlook a slight (20%) preservative, filler, and artificial color issue (the sign does, however, claim this delicacy to be a daring 80% pork)...bon apetit!


Anonymous said...

I remember eating at Red Lobster once with a friend and they brought out her fish with head intact. She was a bit grossed out when presented with reality. Though this is a farer stretch from reality, I think I would have to share her sentiment. Eating anything with a face is just creepy.

HOLMES said...

OK, is it weird that my bacon ALWAYS seems to be smiling at me?

Kelli Nørgaard said...

when my grandma would buy that pimento loaf like in the early
70s , I also thought it looked like it was LOOKING at me!!

No wonder I am a vegetarian!!

HOLMES said...

OMG, pimento loaf... SO GROSS.

Chiv said...

Argh..must say it.....

Open. Faced. Sandwich. Anyone?


Thank you.

And I am sorry.

journeyinfinite said...

Hahahaha! You guys are so freakin' killin' me! (O - was that a Jersey accent I just typed?!?)

Moondog said...

D dear God in Heaven . . . this is to RONGGE! The brainac that came up with this one should be shot.