People who wear sweatpants with stuff written across the a**, such as "Sweetie" or "Juicy"... unless you change it to "Stinky" or "Soggy" -- Trend Must Die!
People who wear studded belts around their upper legs ... unless you transport exclusively by pogo stick -- Trend Must Die!
Guy-liner ... not all sad poetry is bad poetry, but if you are enhancing yours by slathering guy-liner all around your one visible eye, yours may come off as an eensy-beensy-teensy bit contrived -- Trend Must Die!
guys who walk with their legs spread completely apart in order to avoid having their size 52 pants fall down.. TREND MUST DIE!
people who think their own poop does not stink... TREND MUST DIE! (And yes, I mean the metaphorical poop!!)
Uglyass hair extentions ..trend must die!
Uglyass Ugg boots ..trend must die..its been since the eighties!
Flipflops that have brown smears on the inner sole from dirty feet ..PU..and trend must die!
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