You know when a bunch of people in one location all do the same unusual thing, and someone says, "It must be in the water"?
Well, it's in the frickin' water (article).
So people are drinking, cooking, rinsing fruit, etc. with water containing trace amounts of various medications -- what effects do the cumulative trace amounts of mixtures of drugs have? That’s really disconcerting to think about.
Then again -- how constructive is this information when, as of now, people can’t do anything about it? Is this meant to be alarmist? Are the toxins people are exposed to in the everyday environment more of a concern?
I don't like sensationalism. In regard to drinking water -- first, it was about the purity of drinking bottled water over tap, then it was that tap regulations are more strict than bottlers', now it's about drinking cocktails of drugs regardless of where one's water is from.
Are we being well-informed or manipulated?
Since there is a pill for everything these days maybe there could be a pill to take to negate the effects of drug addled water. And a pill for the side effects of that.
This whole newsflash of kinda/sorta admitting we have waste in our water supply made me feel punched in the face repeatedly with fists of vexation. The addition of the random drug situation is the equivalent of supplemental eye pokes. How was this not foreseen?
Just say no to supplemental eyepokes.
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