Monday, June 04, 2007

One of my fave online magazines, Slate, has an article debating about iTunes new 256 kbps format for downloading music being any big freakin' deal over their former 128 kbps format. Songs cost $1.29 in this new format instead of $.99. Worth it? Well, the format is no longer specific to iPods which is cool if you use other MP3 players, I guess. I'm not sure how else it's cool, tho.

(By the way -- for those of you laughing at me for even paying for music -- I think any artist should get paid for their work.)

Anyway, supposedly the additional $.30 also goes into technology which makes the tune-age sounds better. Which is debatable.

If you guys try out the new format, weigh in w/ me on whatchya think :-)

1 comment:

Chiv said...

Love the Slate's forums ( The Fray )