Thursday, August 30, 2007

I heart quirky…

I have met some incredibly cool and quirky peeps at work this week. Quirks are the distinctive elements I find in people that determine not only if I like them, but if I find them interesting in their idiosyncratic ways.

Now, to me, a person's being cool has everything to do with their not trying to be cool, but their being comfortable in their skin. Nothing is less cool and more obvious than trying to be cool.

I've got some goodie quirks. Today it was noted that when I sit on my stool at work, I can contort my legs up and fold them. I call it my ninja balance. See…it's a little cool in its complete lack of trying to be cool. And it's a bit funky :-P

Monday, August 27, 2007

Updated Video -- Arckid -- "Conversation"
Fun, fun, fun! :-D

Friday, August 24, 2007

A soaring philosopher...

My ultimate job would be ...a soaring philosopher. I'd love a job where I'd get paid to think (especially in a think tank with other soaring philosophers) about "WHY" -- particularly in regard to the human condition in relation to time/space, metaphysics, and all kinds of internally and externally driven motivations and ideologies.

Why are we wired the way we are?

For example...why happiness? Why is the human condition always in a state of craving it? Why does it matter? And what is the most significant factor in regard to achieving happiness?

Actually, for that last one -- I think the most important element for people feeling that life is worthwhile is having something that matters to them in their lives. The actual thing that matters is irrelevant -- to someone on the outside it may look completely insignificant. But if the person to which it matters continues to believe it's important, then this person will never become despondent. Any neo-existential pouting will always remain, at worst, merely a temporary condition.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Had this simulation at work today where we role-played various socio-economic situations found in our society in general. The specific goal was to understand diverse populations found in the workplace. I was a 19-year-old single mom with a one-year-old "baby" living with "not-my-baby-daddy".

Point was to explore the vastly different dynamics in the thinking of someone who is surviving on a day-to-day basis as opposed to the thinking of a more economically stable populace which focuses on improving life and the future.

Some really great, insightful things came of this immersion. I became aware of stress and frustration over situations that I normally don't consider.

Some odd things happened as well. My "not-baby-daddy" ran off because of football (he IS actually a coach), so I was left with the "baby", no income, and barely any bus passes.

My traumatized "baby" became psychotic. He tackled other "babies" and would wander off as I waited in line. And he enjoyed punishment.

Made paying the utility bill a challenge.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Why being a nerd is SO GOOD...

I don't get it when people use the word "nerd" with derision. I LOVE being a nerd :-) The people I know who are nerds are intellectually fascinating, complex, multi-faceted, open-minded lifelong journeyers and learners...where is the negative angle in that?

My nerdiness manifests itself in a few customary ways. One is that I am endlessly curious and love to explore new ideas, theories, concepts, places, and the like. Anything I find interesting is fair game for me to read about, ask knowledgeable people about, or just go there and see and learn about firsthand. So far, I've never run out of new things I want to know about. I really, really, hope I never run out.

Oh, and there's the daydreaming. The jennyverse (jenny universe) is a comical place, indeed. It also is where my creative ideas are born, some of which I end up finding useful places for in the actual world. Some help me with staying creative and inventive at work, and some keep me innovative in my writing and creative pursuits. Oh, and some are just fun to tell people about :-P

Luckily, I also have an extremely practical side, which keeps the bills paid, and my life in the happy place.

All I know is that when someone calls me a nerd, I light up inside and out, and I'm like, "I know, right!" :-D

Monday, August 13, 2007

Does work spontaneously generate?

I had two work meetings today...figured I'd be outta there by, like, 2:00. And then I ended up getting home by 5:30. It's like I go into work mode and the spiral of "to-do" sucks me into a black hole of symbiotic follow-up tasks. Every time I completed one task -- three were created because of it -- thereby causing a stronger force of gravity plunging me deeper and deeper into a work-related abyss. Weird workplace physics. I bet there's a formula out there somewhere...

Got a lot done, tho. That's pretty sweet :-)

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Loving some classic Foo...

Updated my video w/ Foo Fighters' "Learn To Fly". Seriously, is it possible to thrash harder than this? I think not ;-D

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

You may lose hours, you may lose days...

I've been playing on making 3-D looking avatars for myself and friends. Warning: this website could possibly suck you out of the space/time continuum -- there are a lot of choices, there are animation features...etc...etc.