Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Johnson's Baby Cologne... WHAT???

TAG for babies? Um, no, please.

Just wondering...was this product designed for people too lazy and/or crazypants to wash their offspring? Does this reek of infant oppression because consumerism has made things convenient for parents who skip the step of washing a little one? Ew.

Mom and Dad, thank you ever so much for keeping us tidy enough that we never needed the baby cologne.


Chiv said...

Crazypants is now officially my word of the day :)

Chiv said...

Totally useless product. Baby wipes are for freshening up tots.

Chiv said...

tots remind me of taters

Chiv said...

....and tot pockets!

journeyinfinite said...

Yay! Napolean Dynamite!

MoMo 2.0 said...

isn´t the best part of babies, the "baby smell"???? you pick them up and just inhale the powder mixed with diaper rash cream mixed with a little formula.... that is just heavenly so who wants to cover it up??!!

HOLMES said...

OK-- I'm with Kelli. I thought the whole point of reproducing was to be able to smell that "new baby smell" for a few months. But hey, if they've got that shiz in a bottle now, all my uterus and I can say is THANK YOU JOHNSON AND JOHNSON.

Also, is it supposed to smell like sheep and chicks? That's what's on the "cover" of the bottle.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the FBI could use it to track down pedophiles...they could wear it and see who hits on them?

fairy said...

Oh my God! I can't believe some of the comments! Guys, what is the big deal about wearing baby colognes???? people have been using baby colognes for almost a century. They are SAFE, made specially for them(by cosmetic chemists,scientist,..), and adults used them too. They are refresing!
Lets focus on something more useful!Try baby colognes and you will understand all of this.