Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Stephen Colbert's "Make McCain Exciting" Challenge!

Do you dare?


Chiv said...

"a rhetorical style like tired mayonnaise." !!!

The phrase "tired mayonnaise" is too excellent. Colbert rocks.

journeyinfinite said...

No other condiment can quite convey bland exhaustion better than "tired mayonnaise"!

MoMo 2.0 said...

OMG, the Danes would love this! They already think our electoral process is insane....CNN is like Comedy Central to them with election updates!This video would fit perfectly!

Chiv said...

Put McCain in front of that old "alien autopsy" footage :D

Chiv said...

Put McCain in the empire state building as the original King Kong scales it. Or put him in Kong's hand like Fay Wray.....

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see him in one of those giant iron sphere cages that they have at the circus...with motorcycles whirring around him inside the cage...ooh, or maybe on one of those spinning dials with a knife thrower throwing knives at him...OH, or the middle of a campfire, talking to a group of Native Americans in full dress passing around a peace pipe.