Monday, August 13, 2007

Does work spontaneously generate?

I had two work meetings today...figured I'd be outta there by, like, 2:00. And then I ended up getting home by 5:30. It's like I go into work mode and the spiral of "to-do" sucks me into a black hole of symbiotic follow-up tasks. Every time I completed one task -- three were created because of it -- thereby causing a stronger force of gravity plunging me deeper and deeper into a work-related abyss. Weird workplace physics. I bet there's a formula out there somewhere...

Got a lot done, tho. That's pretty sweet :-)


Chiv said...
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Chiv said...

Work = x
(x*3)= Spontaneously Bred Tasks = y
Pulling Hair Out Because of Frustration = z

x*3 = 9y/100z
Therefore, a bad hair workday =

journeyinfinite said...
