Monday, November 12, 2007

I only have time to read before bed, and...

I am reading two most excellent books! May I recommend...

I Am America (And So Can You) by Stephen Colbert. No one can deadpan satire like Colbert. No one. It's so very campy in its right-wing earnestness -- much like his show, but with no pesky censorship. A wild ride on the pseudo-conservative side...

Nature Girl by Carl Hiaasen
My first book by Hiaasen. He's like Chris Moore, but with the over-zealous, adventuresome backbone of Tim Sandlin. Simply blend the quirk of the two, shake, strain, add an olive, and enjoy... exquisitely funny and bizarre!


Cheryl said...

Carl Hiaasen was one of Raymond's favorites. You might try a Dorsey book once you have finished up with Hiaasen.

Have a great holiday.


journeyinfinite said...

Thanks for the Dorsey recommendation!!!