Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year !

-- I hope we (humanity) continue to make progress fixing our environment. There is so much great tech (as well as simplification processes) out there -- if people will be open-minded enough to try new (or old) things!

-- Please let the U.S. elect an intelligent, articulate leader. We have been embarrassed enough. And the pure evil is irksome, too.

Locally -- Thank you to everyone in my life who digs me -- not despite my quirkiness, but because of my quirkiness! You make me greet each day with joy! It is so, so vitally important how people treat one another. It affects one's perceptions and one's world...
*+*+"Why march to your own drummer when you can dance to your own band?" --Me *+*+


Chiv said...

I agree with the idea of dancing to your own band. Why not bring others along right?

Happy New Year ;)

Chiv said...

Remember the "bee-girl" video?

journeyinfinite said...

Happy New Year backatchya guys!

Ya -- I remember bee girl. I'm going to try to find that on YouTube :-)

MoMo 2.0 said...

LOVE the quote by Jenny!!!
We need to get that one published!!!

Godt Nytår!!

journeyinfinite said...

*+*+Big Smile :-D*+*