Friday, December 28, 2007

Lucid dreaming...
(<- Here I am competing in
The Ultra X-treme Insomniacs
Cage Match Title Series)
Anyone else ever dream lucidly (you're dreaming and you know it's a dream -- and you try to control what happens)? I've been having a ton of lucid dreams lately where during my dream I will either:

(a)Dislike how things are going and tell myself to wake up -- then wake up
(b)Like how things are going and try to bring new people/things/places into it
(c)Think about why I'm dreaming this particular dream during the dream...dream analysis while dreaming...OMG

So it's kinda cool, kinda weird. Okay, really weird. I hate that I keep making myself wake up when I'm not happy or bored in my dream. Maybe I need to finish vakay so I am too tired to lucidly dream. Ummm...nah ;-)


Chiv said...

Lucid dreams are amazing. Try to enjoy them more.

That glimmer in your eye screams insomnia - or insanity ;)

And Happy new year!

journeyinfinite said...

Insane insomnia -- or insomniatically (new word?!) insane :-) Happy New Year backatchya!

HOLMES said...
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HOLMES said...

I've never had a lucid dream, but I always have bizarro ones where, like, kidneys are chasing me or I walk through a forest and the animals talk to me.

My cat talks in her sleep when she dreams. Sometimes her eyes fly open and her paws twitch-- it is especially disturbing.

Happy New Year!!

journeyinfinite said...

While sleeping, sometimes my dog's paws twitch and he does sleep-barks -- his mouth doesn't open so it's not a "woof" sound per se -- more like an "ooof" sound.

The "chased by kidneys" dream sounds absolutely terrifying. I like the idea of talking to animals, tho.

Happy New Year backchya, Holmes-slice ;-)