Thursday, May 17, 2007

Str-e-e-e-e-tching the parameters of my blog...

Okay, I wrote that I post live and/or acoustic vids of kick awesome songs, BUT this video by Mute Math is so cool. Not live or acoustic -- BUT PERFORMED IN REVERSE FOR THE SPECIAL EFFECTS!!! They actually sang and played their instruments in reverse -- so when the video is played backwards their singing and playing match the forward-playing song. The jumping, flipping, and throwing of stuff maintain the very cool effect of going in reverse while it looks like they are singing and playing correctly. It's sheer madness and I am obligated by the rules of supreme coolness to share it with you.

So I am posting Mute Math's actual video for "Typical" this week. Next week, I'll post their live version of "Chaos". I think you'll be pleased... :-D


Chiv said...

Musician Brain Candy right there..... I wish all videos were that innovative!

journeyinfinite said...

Leo -- You Tube also has a short vid of the "Making of 'Typical'" and the guys say the most difficult thing was the "headache factor". Apparently, one's mind rebels with throbbing pain when forced to memorize backwards words,guitaring/drumming/etc. ...BTW -- got any Silly String? :-P