Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Burger King dude-bot makes me feel unsafe because:

(a) Corporate overlording plus a dead-behind-the-eyes gaze never means anything good.
(b) The mannequins have become sentient and want to feed us.
(c) Gah! God Save The Queen!

(d) Other __________________________________


Chiv said...

d. he is the most fearful combination of botox, clown, and royal inbreeding seen to date.

Chiv said...

d. It's like his arteries clogged from the outside in. And he's really. really orange about it.

journeyinfinite said...

hahaha..."he's really, really orange about it"!

I know a lot of people who go tanning this time of year -- he's hitting the heat-lamps, hmmmm?

Chiv said...

He'd melt like government cheese!

HOLMES said...

That part of BKD's beard under his mouth looks like Tiny Tim's crutch. Remember the George C. Scott version of A Christmas Carol where the kid who played Tiny Tim looked about one millimeter away from death the whole time and he only had the one crutch? Maybe he had two, but I remember him hobbling around on one. I look at the Burger King dude and picture Tiny Tim hanging from his mouth, palsied arm draped over the shoulder rest of the crutch.

God Bless Us Every One.

Anonymous said...

Ummm...forgive my crudeness, but I can only think of one anatomical piece that should ever be hard. He has many. Makes me think he's the King of Pervy. Is his given name Randy by any chance?