Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Totally real ad --

Soaking victory is best served cold! The AQUASHOCK ARCTIC BLAST blaster gives you more than one way to shock and surprise your opponents: soak ‘em in a stream or add ice to blast ‘em with an all-out burst of freezing cold water! Don't just soak 'em – Aqua Shock em'!

This product intrigues me. It seems that its only purpose is making your friends hate you.

What wrongest wrong of all wrongs would a friend have to commit in order to deserve being gunned down with a spew of icy cold hate-water? Are there people out there purchasing the AquaShock as a solution for getting people to ostracize them this summer? Hmm... a compelling psychological study of of water torture in the guise of a bright, shiny, summer's day toy...


Chiv said...

lol "a spew of icy cold hate water!"

HOLMES said...

Clearly you've never done pool time with my group of friends.... merely existing is enough reason to warrant a good soaking/beating.

Mmmm.... 9 weeks til summer!!

Chiv said...

Banditos using AquaShock weaponry would need bands of ice cube ammo strapped round their shoulders.... Shoot fast man!

Chiv said...

"Can you catch a falling star without burning your hand? Can you put the sky in your mouth? Can you say to an earthquake..'hey hold still for a second'? No! Such is Aquashock Arctic Blast!"

journeyinfinite said...