Saturday, March 01, 2008

Taking soggy, squishy, and gray to the next level...

Cheese-freakin'-Burger In A Can, people -- it exists!

I'd imagine looking at it directly will make you stab yourself in the eye -- I highly recommend avoiding cutlery around this product.

Everything a Cheeseburger In A Can touches turns to stupid, undoubtedly. You are supposed to boil this atrocity in its can. Uhm, why would you not just fry or grill the burger? I am trying to figure out who desperately needs to boil canned meat. Campers? They tend to be fire builder types, tho -- and open flame is better for cooking meat than boiling it in a can -- amiright?

The bold and daring pioneers of culinary homicide at The AV Club taste tested this beast -- you can gross-out vicariously here.


Chiv said...

That is not a cheeseburger. That is a cheesepuck. With a bun. In a can.

HOLMES said...

This is beyond disgusting. Forget the national anthem... America's theme song should be "We Put Shizz In Cans". We are packaging whores.

MoMo 2.0 said...

and people DARE to question WHY I am a vegetarian???

Chiv said...

Blech. This is E Coli in a can. Its probably hazardous to everyone who prepares, packages, ships, stocks, purchases, and consumes it. This is what Ralph Nader should be defending us from.

journeyinfinite said...

Update: No sign of Cheesesteak in a bottle...yet :-P