Thursday, March 29, 2007

Your baggage is waiting...

If the soul exists (and I believe it does), it's logical to extend that idea to our skin is what is keeping it in. When the soul becomes free of the body, I wonder if it takes memories with it -- i.e. does memory transcend corporeal limits?

I hope it does -- actually I'm fairly sure it does, I just don't understand how. I also feel that the soul is less encumbered with the things/ideas/issues that weighted it down while it was part of the mortal body.

In one way, I think it would be completely spectacular for us to be able to let go of all of the things which have happened to us which we have deemed "awful" while we are here. Just be baggage-free. Then I grow concerned that we would never grow strong if we did that. Maybe the harshness is all about growing the soul stronger.

1 comment:

Chiv said...

Other thoughts on these ideas are studied in eastern philosophies.