Thursday, February 14, 2008

MyFace! I trademark this in 3…2…1… NOW.

What if two colossal, omnipotent, social networking website universes collided?

It’s only a theory, but if MySpace and Facebook ever became one massive megalomanic entity – LET US BAPTIZE THEE... MyFace.

It could be obscenely egocentric…b/c personal web pages aren't now…right? :-P You could have MyFace gifting, MyFace player (featuring karaoke, naturally), Poke MyFace, Super Poke MyFace, Slap and Tickle MyFace , Twitter MyFace (for-up-to-the-minute updates on MyFace) ...I think I could go on with this forever.

I have a MySpace I use a lot because the flexible layout allows for creative page designing; and a Facebook page that I use... not so much. The Facebook layout infuriates me with its rigidity. (I don’t do well with rigid structure. *seethe*) Most people I know have pages on both sites…and prefer one over the other. This would make quite an interesting psychological study. Indeed...something for the MyPsychoFace Therapy Forum...


Chiv said...

I'll see you a MyFace and raise you a MyCryFaceSpace - now with the coveted iFlickrGoogleBucket feature.

HOLMES said...

I'm holding out for MyBacon or BaconBook. I'd be all over that like myself on pork.

MoMo 2.0 said...

talk about an action research study in your classes...wonder what it would tell you about your students based on which one they preferred.....
interesting stuff!

Harrison M. said...


Please no more of these websites. Speaking as a web designer, the way social networking sites are set up makes my brain hurt. MySpace is overly busy and full of bugs, whereas Facebook is a useless web application train wreck. Combine the two and you end up with a buggy web application train wreck. eeughh.

Now, BaconBook? I'd join that the second it went live.

journeyinfinite said...

Holy ham hock -- BaconBook is catching on!!!