Monday, February 25, 2008

You know you’re the archetype of… er…cool when…

You play Random Article Wikipedia Smackdown!

Here’s the shizz:

The host sits in front of a computer and clicks on Wikipedia’s “Random Article” link in its sidebar.

They state only the title of the article that comes up.

The other players try to state something factual that appears in the article.

The person with the closest factual reference (judged by host) scores a point, and you rotate who gets to go first. You can even rotate out the computer’s host.

Omiholysnap you guys -- they weren’t kidding when they labeled that button “random" :-D


Chiv said...

Random Article Wikifeedia - no points, just food

Random Article Wikibleedia - swordplay involved for the losers

Random Article Wikigreedia - winners start taking up household appliances

Chiv said...

Party at 51's house this weekend: Bring your own snacks, swords, and a flatbed.

journeyinfinite said...

51 -- hope you've got chainmail, a steamcleaner, and insurance :-D