Sunday, February 17, 2008

I know I am treading on sacred ground here...people love The Oprah.

But sometimes talk shows really do sensationalize some random crap, ya know?

I couldn't resist gleefully sharing this Photoshopped Oprah promo.

And my two cents is that the toads are with us -- they do scarf down mosquitoes and all...


HOLMES said...

Oprah makes me tired. And lately she's gone all Felicity with her hairdo and it's creepin' me out.

I liked fat, ghetto Oprah better than "I've got some money and I know every famous person, including Tom Cruise" Oprah.

Listen to this: there was pig hair still attached to one of my pieces of bacon yesterday morning. I was too traumatized to eat it and I had no desire for bacon this morning, either.

This may be one of the signs of the apocalypse.

journeyinfinite said...


Holmesie w/o bacon...inconceivable!

The sun is shining a little less brightly today...and the birds have ceased their song.

I am so not kidding when I say I am wearing all black to work tomorrow -- come see!

Reuters has just released that Hello Kitty people are designing a pink and black mourning dress. And blingy veil, of course.

Oh...the pork-manity...

Chiv said...

Bacon hair sounds like it could be a topic on the next Oprah :o

MoMo 2.0 said...

omg and Shelly could have a guest appearance to tell the stories of people traumatized by pig hair on their bacon and how that can totally ruin someone´s weekend!

Chiv said...

"How to coordinate your bacon's hair with your current hairstyle - next Oprah, weekdays at 4."

journeyinfinite said...

*giggle* Nice...

HOLMES said...

Well, I had a couple of pieces of bacon tonight at Chili's.

The latest thought that's haunted me: I wonder if the hair on my piece of bacon last weekend was from a spot? Was the pig pink with black spots and I got black spot hair, or was the pig solid black and I just got random hair.

journeyinfinite said...

*Perk* Chili’s…MMMmmm…yumyumyum.

I admire your perseverance, and dedication to seeing that your heart remains free of the intolerances and biases that could plague a lesser person who had been through the debacle you have been through…oh, what your eyes have seen…

Let this be a lesson to all Americans – nay, all nations of the world…Hold ye not your bacon in contempt due to an isolated incident of a hirsute nature. Love thy bacon, forgive thy bacon – and let its joyous sizzle resound freely in your kitchen.

Harrison M. said...

The toads are putting hair on our bacon! It's all so clear now!

journeyinfinite said...
